Going promote here again, now that I have time

Raven Shadowz I promoted this site again.

I've been absent a bit here, the solstice, then xmas for my parents and now new year's (big daddies getting blotto) have left me busy as hell. I've also been painting a ton and selling even more internationally.

Frederick Cook Mazikeen's illusion 12x16 canvas panel, acrylic medium

I hope everyone had a most blessed yule/winter solstice yesterday...

We're having a rather large yule celebration this year, friends and family will be here, a traditional feast, revelry and gifts for all... it's a lot of work, but when has a holiday not been work and stress? Lol

This holiday has us way too busy... we have several friends coming by to celebrate the yule this Saturday, massive ham dinner is planned... things of gifts and frivolity, but also a lot of work.

Happy Friday the 13th! New piece of art